Design Philosophy 设计思想
This page presents Pu Miao's current beliefs or "philosophies" which guide his design. These thoughts are to be modified and new ideas will be added.
Modern Architecture has two groups of components, the fundamental ones (e.g., its functionalism and use of newest technology) that are valid to all industrial societies and the incidental ones (its particular forms like the rejection of decoration) that have more to do with the specific conditions of its birthplace, such as the 1920's Europe. Therefore, to build in a non-Western society that is under industrialization, Modernism serves as a powerful instrument, but its incidental part has to be localized. In this process, unique local spatial experience invisible to Western culture may be rediscovered to enrich Modern Architecture. For more see Miao's article (in Chinese) "Speaking in One's Own Tone--Recent Work and 'Localization'"
现代建筑包含两组成分。其中基本的元素(如它的功能主义及对新技术的重视) 对所有工业化社会均有效。其中偶然的因素(它的某些具体形式如对装饰的拒绝)则只是现代建筑诞生地的特定条件(如1920年代的欧洲)所留下的胎记。对一个工业化中的非西方社会来说,现代主义是一个必不可少的工具。但后者的偶然成分必须被本土化。在本土化的过程中,被西方文化视而不见的当地独特空间体验可能被重新发现,并反馈给现代建筑的发展。更多见缪朴的论文 "用自己的声音说话--近作二则兼论‘本土化’"